

My name is Tiffani. I recently left my fancy-schmancy job and discovered a few things – the outdoors, life, beauty or should I say green beauty, my newfound love of home decor and well… living life. I haven’t quite yet figured out what my “grown up life” looks like, but I decided to share my journey with all of you.

Just a girl, a cool dude and her dog 🐶
Originally, I started my blog as “secondlittlebridge” and then recently decided to change the name to “ohheyytiff” – why you might ask? It’s just a little easier to remember… and my other social media platforms use the same name. My attempt to simplify life 😄

So, secondlittlebridge, what did it mean? My Chinese name means…wait for it… Second Little Bridge. My older sister of course, is Little Bridge. Our grandmother, or Popo gave us those names instead of our grandfather as per custom. It all could be a sham though.. my mothers version of our Chinese names isn’t 100% reliable.

I’ll quit my ramblings, but enjoy!

love always,


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